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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week 2: Blog Assignment Two

     One of the first sites I came across when searching for learning and the brain was that of Brain Connection.com.  On this site you can search for specific articles related to child development, bilingual, learning and thinking.  There were many articles that shed some light on the way in which your brain operates.  Some articles answer the popular questions of "Can Dietary Supplements Boost Brain Power?", "Video Games and the Effect on Your Brain", even down to "The Truth About Girls and Boys." I have heard these questions many times before, and it was really interesting to find out what their opinions were on the matter.  I think that this could be a very valuable resource in the upcoming weeks because it let's you search specific subjects and look for certain concepts.
     Another online website that I found which had just a few articles on information processing theories was Education.com. On the left hand side there is a browse by subject, and underneath the "Classroom Learning" tab you can find different articles on Cognitive Development, Memory Metacognition and Information Processing Theory.  Most of the information in the Information Processing Theory article was in line with what our "Learning Theories and Instruction" book states.
     When searching for an online journal through the Walden Library, I came across one related to problem solving methods.  The article name is Metacognitive Knowledge About Problem-Solving Methods and was written by Antonietti, Ignazi and Perego.  In this article, they were focusing on assessing different problem-solving methods and when it is best to use a certain problem-solving method.  They came to conclude that the method of analogy was the most common method used, and that step-by-step analysis and combining were the most difficult method to use.  Using the Walden Research Database could be very helpful in the upcoming weeks.  There were many articles that had lots of wonderful information regarding the topics we are discussing and learning about.

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