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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Connectivism Blog 2

When reflecting on the many types of connections to learning I use each day, I see that I am utilizing and taking in information non-stop.  I can't imagine times before the internet, of course I grew up since high school having the ability to log-on to AOL and browse the internet, but with this resources there are endless possibilities.  

Q's & A's:
1.) How has your network changed the way you learn?

The biggest change that I have noticed over the years is that I find myself not relying on people as much as  I used to.  If I have a question, I can simply open my computer and find out anything and everything.  Now when it comes to opinions and suggestions I still go to my family, colleagues and friends.  I would definitely say that I rely solely on the technology aspect.

2.) Which digital tools best facilitate learning for you?

The digital tools that I utilize most are my phone, computer and TV.  With my phone and computer, I can access my social networks, e-mail, school and search engines that provide me with information.  With the saying "There's an app for that" I truly can use my phone as a wonderful tool.  I enjoy catching up on current events from all my tools.  I still try my best to watch the news on a regular  basis to learn what is going on in the world around me.  

3.) How do you gain new knowledge when you have questions? 

Like I said before, I really do rely on my digital tools.  There are times when I go to people to ask questions and opinions, but if there is something I really want to know then the computer is my first resource. Google, Wikipedia, Youtube are some of my most visited sites.   

4.) In what ways does your personal learning network support or refute the central tenets of connectivism?

When learning about George Siemens theory on Connectivism, I noticed that I lie in many of his categories and that much of what he said is reflected.  I believe that it is important to have many different networks in which you take in and learn from.  Although I tend to lean more towards some then others, there are many different sides and difference of opinions I have to consider.  The way in which we learn can be very complex from the use of technology, our environment and the many other factors that effect  the way in perceive concepts.  I think that we need to be open to all sides, but at the same time, we need to be our own individuals when it comes to our learning.

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